Champion spark plug RJ19LM is for lawn mowers or similar equipment. The standard gap is .030 inches or 0.76mm.
RJ19LM Champion
The gap is 0.030 in. The plug is Champion RJ19LM. The torque is 7-15
.030" Champion RJ19LM or J19LM for manual, go to:
Champion RJ19LM. Just remeoved it from my snowblower. Measured gap as .030"
Use a Champion RJ19LM set to a 0.030" gap.
mine takes a Champion RJ19LM. now if I could find out the proper gap ...
GAP .030"
.030 Champion RJ19LM
It is usually a Champion plug RJ19LM. The gap is .030 inches. This plug is usually used with B&S engines from 3hp - 6hp.
The Answer to your question RJ19LM spark plug set at 20 thousand of an inch.
On a valve-in-block 8HP with an RJ19LM or equivalent plug, it is 0.030"
The L76V is a surface gap plug. There is no measurable gap.