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A hall effect sensor is a sensor that produces a square wave output that can be directly read and modulated by the ECM (as opposed to an AC wave sensor which produces a sine wave that must be converted). They are used as cam position sensors and ABS wheel speed sensors

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Q: What is the function of hall sensor?
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Where is the hall sensor on passat v6?

The hall sensor can be found on top of a Volkswagen Passat engine. The sensor is placed under the valve cover next to the timing belt.

Where is the hall sensor on megane scenic 1.6v rt 1998 p reg situated and how would you go about cleaning it Have problem starting my car and have heard that cleaning or replacing hall sensor may help?

It doesn't have a hall chip or a hall effect sensor, it has an inductive pulse cam/crank sensor. You can clean those.

What is Hall Current Sensor?

A hall current sensor produces voltage by means of the "hall effect". It is used in automobile applications such as wheel speed sensors, tachometers, speedometers and ignition.

Does hall-effect sensor take place of camshaft sensor?

yes, located in the distributer.

What does a hall effect sersor do?

As magnets pass a filed they cause a deflection a hall sensor will detect that

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Function of a sensor?

to sense

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What should the resistance be on a ckp crankshaft position sensor for a 1996 Grand Cherokee Laredo 5.2L V8?

The sensor is a hall effect sensor. Measuring resistance will not indicate a "pass/fail". You must test voltage of the sensor while cranking engine. You should see voltage change from 0.0v to 5.0v or see 2.5v on meters that have an averaging function.

What is function of throttle position sensor for Honda civic?

the throttle sensor function is to stabilize the ref of the car engine

Where is the Hall effect sensor in a 1996 ford f150 4.9 l engine?

this sensor is inside the distrib.

What causes a hall effect crankshaft sensor to fail?

heat, primarily. either causing degausing of the permanant magnet behind the sensor, or other thermal damage to the hall ic itself.