to give proper designing to a vehicle and to protect vehicle from sudden imapact.
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a retarder shouldn't be using an automobile in the first place
Yes. Every automobile has a frame -- it's the chassis of the entire vehicle.
It generates electricity to chrage the automobile battery.
It serves the purpose of the Freon for your A/C .
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The three major sections of an automobile, in a simple description, would be the engine, the drive train, and the frame /body. keep in mind that a automobile is very complex and that those three sections are made up of hundreds if not thousand of parts.
Without a transmission a car will not run. The function is to transmit engine power to the wheels via a system of gears.
it is a speed limiter of engine...control speed respect to load....
A dumb iron is a rigid and curved piece that connects the automobile frame to the spring shackle. The springs are attached to the dumb iron.
Provides synchronization
varies by automobile. costs a lot. your looking at custom frame, body panels, paint job, all sorts.