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to give proper designing to a vehicle and to protect vehicle from sudden imapact.

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Q: What is the function of frame in automobile?
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What is the function of retarder in automobile?

a retarder shouldn't be using an automobile in the first place

Do Ford Rangers have frames?

Yes. Every automobile has a frame -- it's the chassis of the entire vehicle.

What is the function of alternator in automobiles?

It generates electricity to chrage the automobile battery.

What is the function of dryer distritution unit in automobile?

It serves the purpose of the Freon for your A/C .

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What are the three major sections of the automobile?

The three major sections of an automobile, in a simple description, would be the engine, the drive train, and the frame /body. keep in mind that a automobile is very complex and that those three sections are made up of hundreds if not thousand of parts.

What is the function of an automobile transmission?

Without a transmission a car will not run. The function is to transmit engine power to the wheels via a system of gears.

How does governor function in automobile transmission?

it is a speed limiter of engine...control speed respect to load....

What is dumb iron?

A dumb iron is a rigid and curved piece that connects the automobile frame to the spring shackle. The springs are attached to the dumb iron.

What is the function of the framing bit in an ISDN physical-layer frame?

Provides synchronization

How much does it cost to stretch a car?

varies by automobile. costs a lot. your looking at custom frame, body panels, paint job, all sorts.