Assuming you mean the modulator on an automatic transmission... The modulator help to control the timing of the changing of gears in the tansmission. The modulator uses manifold vacuum to finetune the shift point, lower vacuum means higher load, throttle is open wider, shift point will be delayed.
The modulator valve uses hydrological pressure to shift a transmission !
A 1968 Plymouth Fury II does not have a Transmission Modulator as such. The throttle linkage on the A904 a A727 transmissions performs a similar function to a ( Vacuum ) Modulator .
i know theres a modulator on a chevy th 400 tranny that can leak fluid bad and prevent it from shifting.Its on the transmission itself.
If your car has one, take the vacuum line to the modulator off and if there is fluid inside, the modulator is bad.
Typically, you can find the transmission modulator valve near the rear of the transmission. Its function is to control and regulate pressure.
The airbag modulator should be located inside the middle console of the car where the transmission shifter is located or directly behind it. The cover needs to be removed to get access to the modulator.
An MP3 Player FM Modulator is a device that you plug into your car. When it's plugged in, it can receive transmissions from your MP3 device and play your music wireless through the car speakers.
Jack up and support the rear of the car to minimize fluid loss. Remove vacuum hose from modulator. Remove bolt and retaining clip from under modulator. Remove modulator by pulling straight out. Install new modulator with new o-ring, replace clip and bolt and vacuum hose.
If you are asking the function of a modulater valve,it is to smooth out the shifts in an automatic transmission.
The ignition modulator sits directly behind the coil packs. The coil packs mount onto the ignition modulator.
The vacuum modulator on a 1989 Chevy K-1500 4wd 5.7 is underneath the transmission. It can be reached from under the car.
A diode modulator is a type of AM modulator constructed using diodes. One type of diode modulator is the ring modulator shown in the image.