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Rolling friction By Alex ceron

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Q: What is the friction that causes a car to slow down when you take your foot off the accelerator?
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What causes idling?

Taking your foot off the accelerator.

What causes the sole of your foot to burn?

Burning sensation on the sole of the foot can be caused by various factors such as nerve damage (neuropathy), muscle fatigue, inflammation, or poor circulation. It can also be a result of wearing ill-fitting shoes, standing for long periods of time, or certain medical conditions like diabetes. If the burning sensation persists or worsens, it is important to consult a healthcare professional for proper evaluation and treatment.

How do you slow down when you start to skid in a vehicle?

Do not put your foot on the breaks. Take your foot off the accelerator and steer into the skid.

How do you slow down vehicles?

The vehicle driver either take their foot of the accelerator and applies the brakes.

How does dragging your foot on a pitch cause friction what does the friction do?

friction is rubbing two items together to make friction without is your breaks on the car they would be useless friction causes heat - Brenner Fodt age 12

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What would cause bad gas mileage on 1999 dodge ram 1500?

Putting your foot down too hard on the accelerator.

How could you accelerate the power of your pick up truck?

Put a chevy LS2 engine in it <<>> Put your foot down further on the accelerator pedal.

What should you do if your car breaks down?

If your car breaks down the highway gently and smoothly take your foot off the accelerator. Do not ever try to break hard. Then after taking off your foot to the accelerator carefully work your vehicle toward the breakdown lane or the side of the road. If you can, signal the drivers behind you that you are having a trouble in that way you will avoid any collision.

What foot do you use in American cars for accelerator?

The right one.

Which of these does not contribute to distracted driving?

taking your foot off accelerator