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the first thing you should do is look both ways, next you should put your car in reverse, watch as you slowly back up.

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Q: What is the first thing you should do when backing out of a diagonal parking space?
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Who is at fault I was backing out of a parking spot was hit by a car coming around the corner I have no damage their right side fender was dented whose at fault?

Most defintley his fault, you were backing out, he should have saw you first.

Vehicle gets hit while pulling out of parking space by a car that is going backwards and hits the side of your car who is liable under new york law?

It will probably depend on who was backing out first. The first one backing should have the right of way. Also the driving laws don't officially apply in private parking lots. The insurance companies will look at the collision based on driving laws though.

What is the first step you should take before backing and vehicle?

Look behind you

What is the first step to you should take before backing any vehicle?

look behind you.

What is the first step you should take before backing any vehicle?

Look behind you

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That's their fault they should look out first before they do anything, some people shouldn't drive and if they make any damage then they will have to pay for what they have done!

Whos at fault backing up in a parking lot?

Backing out of a parking spaceThe person backing up is at fault, they have a greater duty the fact that the person is driving on the wrong side makes no difference. the person shoudl of waited to back out. --yes but like all accidents like these, it is circumstantial; if person A is backing out, person B is flying by @ 20+ mph, person A checks everywhere & sees nothing and proceeds to back out. they are then hit by car A who is at fault for 'not able to control his/her vehicle'. if both are going proper speeds & it is just a bump, it is definitely A's fault, cuz B has the right of way

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First square the face diagonal Then multiply the result by 3 Next divide that by 2 And finally take the positive root to get the body diagonal

What is the first step you should take beore backing any vehicle?

Look back to make sure there is nothing coming

What should you do if you hit someone's vehicle while backing out in a parking lot?

Well hopefully you are honest to do the following. You should at first attempt to locate the owner. If you have time, depending on your location, wait 15 - 20 minutes for the owner to come back to their car and hopefully you can talk the incident over. If thw owner can't be located, leave a note with your name and phone number and insurance information.

How do you type diagonal arrows?

im gonna answer the question with a question.why would u wanna type a diagonal arrow in the first place?

How do you figure out the area of a kite?

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