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If you are able to asses the situation call for help if needed and render assistance to the victims.

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Q: What is the first thing that you do when you saw an accident?
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you report it. Its the right thing to do!

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The first thing to do - is raise the alarm. Whether that's activating a fire alarm - or reporting an accident to a tutor.

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What is the frist thing you do if an accident occurs?

It depends on what sort of accident you're talking about. In a car accident, for example, you'd want to turn off your car first thing in case of fire.

If you are involved in a boating accident what is the FIRST thing you must do?

inform them

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Report it to someone in authority.

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Check to see if there are any casulties

What is first thing you should do if you have an accident in the science lab?

in my opinion you should tell the teacher immediately

If you are involved in a boating accident what is the first thing you should do?

stop and give whatever assistance is necessary

What can I do to get inexpensive car insurance after an accident?

I recently saw a commercial from Allstate and they have an accident forgiveness program.

How do you call a person who saw an accident happen?

An eyewitness.