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It depends on the North Carolina it stops being speeding and becomes reckless driving at 15 over. At 33mph over, you really need a lawyer.

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Q: What is the fine for a speeding ticket going 33 mile over the limit?
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How much for a speeding ticket going 18 miles over the speed limit in minnesota?

The fine amount of a speeding ticket for 18 mph over the limit in Minnesota will depend on the jurisdiction. In most areas the fine is $148 for anything 15 mph and over.

How much is a speeding ticket in California for going 86 mph on the freeway 65 mph limit?

A speeding ticket in California for going 86 mph on the freeway in a 65 mph speed limit varies from $180-$200. The fine can be reduced by going to a drivers training class by $30.

How much is a speeding ticket for going 75 in a 65 MPH zone in California?

In the state of California, speeding tickets vary. If you were going 75 in a 64, that is 10 miles over the limit. For going 1 to 15 miles over the limit, the fine is $214.

If you receive a speeding ticket going eleven miles over the speed limit what will your fine be in the state of Virginia?

SHould say on the back of the ticket or call the local sheriffs office they can give you the fine amount. There are no dollars amount of fine on back of ticket. You will have to call the issue court to get the fine amount. Police can not put fine amount on ticket.

How much is a speeding ticket in Illinois for driving 35 MPH over the speed limit on a highway?

In the state of Illinois, the fine for a speeding ticket will depend on your location and how fast you were over the limit. 35 miles per hour over the limit will result in a fine of $95. If it was in a school zone, the fine is $150. In a work zone it can be as high as $375.

You got a speeding ticket in NM for going 5 miles over the speeding limits what can you do?

Pay the ticket. They probably have a website you can use to pay the fine.

How much will the speeding ticket in California be if you are going fifteen miles per hour over the speed limit?

Base fine is $200 for speeding and 5 additional dollars for every mile over. So if the speed limit is 45 and you got caught going 60, your fine would be $275 $200 + 5 X 15 = $275

How much will a speeding ticket of 25 miles over limit cost in New York?

if you get a speeding ticket in New York, it can cost anywhere from $45 to $600 dollars. If you are speeding 25 mph over the limit, the fine will be between $90 and $300, which is the range for speeding from 11 to 30 mph over the limit. It will also get you 4 points on your license.

How much is a speeding ticket in California for going 95 MPH on a 65 MPH freeway?

The cost of a speeding ticket in California will depend on where you got it. They begin with a base fine and add on court costs and costs associated with how many miles over the limit you went. A ticket for doing 95 in a 65 zone will have a base fine of $100 and can go as high as $360.

How much will a speeding ticket cost in Virginia for doing 79 in a 60 zone?

It is important to drive within the posted speed limits. A speeding ticket for doing 13 mph over the speed limit will cost $150-$200 depending on the court fees and taxes.

How much is a speeding ticket for 9 mph over speed limit in California?

The fine for a speeding ticket for 9mph over the speed limit in California is $234.00. Tickets that occur in a construction or school zone can be assessed up to $350, depending on the area.

How much will a speeding ticket cost for going 9 miles over the speed limit in Decator Texas?

In the city of Decatur, Texas, the fine for speeding less than 25 mph over the limit is $20. Court and administrative costs are $162 which makes a total of $182.