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The "Engine".

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Q: What is the engine car of a train called?
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A car at head of the train is called?

is it engine?

Car at the head of the train called?

The engine most of the times.

What is the car at the head of the train?

If it's a powered locomotive, then a locomotive. If it's a car with a cab to control the train, then a cab-car. If it's a train powered by itself, called a Multiple Unit (MU) with the engine part of the train, the front is called, well, the head end.

Car at the head of the train?

The car at the head of the train is typically the locomotive or engine, which is responsible for pulling the train and providing power. It is usually located at the front to ensure proper control and visibility for the train driver.

What do you call the car in front of the train?

In most cases the car at the front of a train is the engine or the locomotive. However, sometimes the train is pushed from behind and then the engine is the car at the end.

Why is a train faster then a car?

A train is faster than a car, because it has more powerful engine.

What is the front part of a train called?

An engine heads a trains, with cars behind it, and the caboose the last car. NOTE: If a train is heavy with freight, it may have several engine 'cars' pulling it, AND even pushing it from the back. NOTE: There are several types of train "cars".

What does a train engine look like?

just like a car engine but bigger

What is a railroad car?

A train car that doesn't have an engine, that is used to transport goods.

What is the last engine on a train called?

the pusher

What do you call parts of a train?

Each part of a train is called a car.

What is car engine called?

Motor,Power plant,