Electronic brake. Like the hand brake which has a physical cable that you pull tight, the e-brake locks the rear wheels.
Could be,E-Brake slightly applied, Sticky E-Brake cables, E-Brake out of adjustment, Brake fluid reservoir low, Brake system in need of maintenance,
I own a 2006 Mazda Tribute I. I am not a mechanic but I recently adjusted my E-brake, and this what I discovered... The E-brake adjustment nut is located under the E-brake leather cover (directly to the left of the E-brake lever). You have to remove the E-brake cover and tighthen the bolt to the proper adjustment.
The e-brake may be off but the e-brake cable(s) may be frozen or need to be adjusted.
I believe you must buy new e-brake cables if I'm not mistaken.
emergency brake light stays on
your e brake is on honestly, are you really that stupid?
an e-brake is an emergancy brake yeah but don't use it unless you about to crash and are strong enough to pull it
You could be low on brake fluid.
Norman E. Brake has written: 'Jacob Brake of Edgecombe County, North Carolina and his descendants' -- subject(s): Family, Genealogy
Worn e-brake linings or e-brake linings and cables are out of adjustment.
You're probably low on brake fluid.