It varies, on purpose. They probably have multiple test routes and select one at random. The driving test is to test your skills as a driver. You are going to come across strange situations when driving on your own and you need to be prepared for those experiences.
In the state of Oregon it is $9.00
There are several. Specifically to prevent someone asking and therefore knowing such a route.
It is at the discretion of the DMV examination officer.
by wal mart on noble
In Oregon and probably all states, only the examiner and the driver are allowed in the vehicle on a road test.
test routes changes depending on the is the dmv office that decides where you will be doing your test routes.There are a lot of available websites that can answer all your permit, violations, licensing and DMV concerns. They have tons of information that can help you. Just click on your state or or click the related link below.
East on Powell, North on 92nd up to Washington & Stark, one or two left turns on Washington or Stark, backing straight along a curb on a side street, back to DMV via 205 from Washington St. entrance. (Not a guarantee of the exact route) also practice going south around Foster St. as well.
The route that is taken for the DMV driving test in Redwood City, California, is 2.9 miles long. It runs along the streets of Brewster Ave., Broadway Arguello, Whipple, Lenolt, B St., E St., D St., Industrial Way, Veterans Blvd., Convention Way, and Main St.
There are two routes posted by "John" on youtube. Search for "gaithersburg mva driving test" from youtube. The routes are similar. The second (longer route) has a few extra turns. Either route will take you about 10 minutes with traffic. Watch for the signs once you pull on to Clopper Rd. Good luck.