With an Intermediate Restricted license, typically the one held by 16 yr olds, the driving curfew is from 11pm until 6am (no driving between these hours unless certain conditions are met). With an Intermediate Unrestricted license, that you can not get prior to age 17, there is no driving curfew. As a disclaimer however realize that the state of TN does still enforce teen curfews as well as some TN cities enforce stricter teen curfews that affect all teens regardless of driving as well as a driver that is 17 on an unrestricted license.
What is the curfew for drivers 16-17
traffic ticket
the curfew is 11pm. It's 12am if you're not driving.
The first offense for driving past curfew in New Jersey is a violation fine. It is usually a fine of 100 dollars.
no its not a moving violation
Driving is not allowed from 12 AM to 6 AM for anyone 16 in Ohio, with the exception of driving to work with a note from the employer.
Chattanooga is in Tennessee.
Without telling us the State that you are in the charge for curfew violation is a fine ranging from 250 to 750 dollars.