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200 feet

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Q: What is the distance your car horn should be audible from?
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Related questions

What is it called honking a car horn?

Honking a car horn is to bring forth the sound of a car horn close to its maximum audible level, to attract utmost attention.

From how far away should your horn be audible?

Your car horn should be audible from around 200 to 400 feet away, depending on the specific design of the horn and the surrounding ambient noise levels. It's important for the horn to be loud enough to alert other drivers of your presence but not excessively loud to cause noise pollution.

The horn on a car should be heard from a distance of how many feet?

1200 feet

Distance your car horn must be heard?

200 feet

What is the minimum distance a car horn must be heard?

200 feet

When is it a requirement to use your horn?

The car horn should only be used to warn other drivers of your presence.

In which places horn should not be blown?

A car horn Should not be blown when there are people cycling on main roads. car garages, Ring roads as this will teter people from using the roads safely.

Should you replace a non-working horn on a 1991 Toyota Corolla?

You should in the UK, as your car will fail the MOT test if your horn does not work.

How do you test a car horn?

Physically remove the horn from the car. Ground it to a good ground on the engine, or car body. Attach a lead to the positive ( + ) side of the battery, with the free end, touch the connection on the horn and it should blow( sound ).

Are car mounted train horns legal in California?

It's not illegal to mount them, but it would be illegal to use them in public. 27000. (a) A motor vehicle, when operated upon a highway, shall be equipped with a horn in good working order and capable of emitting sound audible under normal conditions from a distance of not less than 200 feet, but no horn shall emit an unreasonably loud or harsh sound.

Who invented the car horn?

I invented the car horn

What would be wrong if your car horn does not work?

Most mechanics would agree that if your car horn does not work, there are no large problems with the car you should be worrying about. Consider the car horn to be an extra item, not connected to a cars engine or main mechanic system. A car horn is however, important to communicate with other drivers, so it is very important to stop by a mechanics, oil change, or even tire retailer to get the horn fixed.