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In the early 1900's cars were hard to control(no electric steering),used leaded gas, and were made from cheap parts(some companies) Todays cars have electric steering, high grade materials, and use safe unleaded gas.

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Q: What is the diffrenece between cars in the late 1900s from cars in the early 1900s?
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It depends how early: 1700s: agriculture 1800s: Railroads 1900s: cars.

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Yes. There have been cars for hundreds of years and the first gas-powered cars were created in the early 1900s by Henry Ford.

Was there cars in 1900s?


What is the difference between cars in 1900s and the modern cars?

the cars in the 1900 have small engines. they had thin tires too. they only went like 30 mph. changes are for the better

When did most people have cars?

um in the 1900s

How did people get their cars when they ordered them in the early 1900s?

People didn't order cars like we do today. The didn't have a choice of color or options. All the cars were black and came the same way. They just bought the car and drove off with it right then and there.

How many cars did gm sale in the 1900s?

The 1900s goes from 1900 to 1999. GM was founded in 1908. The answer will be millions.