The terms personal property and contents can sometimes be used interchangeably. Many times personal property and contents both refer to the items you own.
The difference between personal property and real property is that personal property can depreciate faster than improvement made on real property.
Contents are bigger than islands.
It's actually the same thing.
Tangible personal property is something you can touch and is movable. Intangible personal property is property that has no physical existence. Examples of intangible personal property are: stocks, bonds, bank notes, trade secrets, patents, copyrights, professional reputation, goodwill and trademarks. Some "untouchable" items may be represented by a certificate or license.
Artisans lien is against personal property and is possessory. Mechanic's lien relates to real property.
There are a few differences between real property tax and personal property tax. First, the term "real" usually involves homes, apartments, or land that a person may own. Personal property tax usually refers to personal luxury items such as jewelry. Additionally, vehicles are not considered "real" property. Real property is sort of land-based property. Another example would be a farmhouse or even a bridge.
what is the difference between a 'traditional' and a 'personal' CV
The difference between renting a property and having a mortgage is that when you have a mortgage you are buying the property.
Property is that which an individual owns. Real property is real estate, land, investment/rental properties, homes, etc. Personal property is jewelry, art, automobiles, valuable collections, cash and financial assets other than real property.
larceny is taking personal property; embezzlement is taking money (stealing) for your personal gainEmbezzlement is the theft or misuse of funds placed in one's trust.
Typically a mortgage is a loan secured by real property (land!) and collateral is personal property (jewels, bonds, valuables, etc.) used to secure a loan.
no difference