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The graduated cylinder is obviously graduated and the other one isn't.

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Q: What is the difference between graduated cylinder and cylinder?
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What is a difference between a balance and a graduated cylinder?

The cylinder measures volume, the balance measures weight.

What is the difference between beaker and graduated cylinder in terms of measuring a volume of liquid?

beaker holds the H2o been measured by the graduated cylinder

Which tool would you use to see how much water is in something a measuring cup or a graduated cylinder?

There's not too much of a difference between a graduated cylinder and a measuring cup, other than 'graduated cylinder' is more science talk.

Which graduated cylinder 1000 50100 or 10 mL is the most accurate?

Technically, as long as both are 'accurate,' both are acceptable. However, we don't live in an ideal world. In a 10mL graduated cylinder, the height difference between 1mL is visible, where in a 1L (1000mL) graduated cylinder, 1mL of difference isn't quite visible.

What is the difference between a test tube and a graduated cylinder?

A test tube is a cylindrical container used for holding small amounts of liquid or solids for testing or mixing. A graduated cylinder is a tall, narrow cylinder with volume markings used to measure the volume of liquids. The main difference is that a graduated cylinder is used for precise volume measurements, while a test tube is for general purposes.

What is the difference between a balance and graduated cylinder?

A balance is used to measure the mass of an object, while a graduated cylinder is used to measure the volume of a liquid. Balances typically use a scale to determine weight, while graduated cylinders have volume markings along the side for measurement.

What is the difference between balance and graduated cylinder?

A balance is used to measure the mass of an object by comparing it to known weights, while a graduated cylinder is used to measure the volume of a liquid. The balance provides a quantitative measure of mass in grams, while the graduated cylinder provides a quantitative measure of volume in milliliters.

How do doctors use graduated cylinders?

the graduated cylinder made a really big difference when the doctors use it to measure the volume

How do you measure a solid using a graduated cylinder?

Fill the graduated cylinder with water, and measure the volume. Now put the item in, measure the water's volume again, and take the difference

What is the difference between graduated cylinder and a triple beam balance?

A graduated cylinder is a tool used to measure the volume of liquids, while a triple beam balance is a tool used to measure the mass of objects. The graduated cylinder is usually marked with volume measurements in milliliters, while the triple beam balance has three sliding weights that are used to determine the mass of an object.

What tool measures a graduated cylinder?

Graduated cylinder is a tool to measure volumes.

A graduated cylinder is measured in?

A graduated cylinder is measured in "cc"