You will know when you check the pistons.One will look like Elmo the other will look like cookie monster and one will look like your mom.
3 percent of 500 euro = 15 euro3% of 500= 3% * 500= 0.03 * 500= 15 euro
with an exhaust system and air filter it would be very faster.i am looking for exhaust here in Greece but i can't find i keep waiting.. - main jet : improve to 110, pilot 25(STANDARD is very lean to meet Euro3) - remove the upper door of the airbox(it´s noisy ,you can perform several big holes+tube otherwise) - change the exhaust : (many Chinese ones may fit : they are cheap+noisy) -change the CAM : too mild( lt230 has more lift) has the best(130€) -bore to 61mm+piston ór -bore to 70mm(change sleeve+piston : 800€ -STROKER : improve the stroke : BoreXstroke=C.C (see AKUNAR:COM)