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The demonstratve pronoun is "these".

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Q: What is the demonstrative pronoun in Which of these is the car that you were hoping to buy?
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What is the demonstrative pronoun in this sentence which of these is the car that I was hoping to buy?

The demonstrative pronoun in the sentence is these.Demonstrative pronouns take the place of a noun, indicating near or far in place or time.The demonstrative pronouns are: this, that, these, those.

What is the the demonstrative pronoun in this sentence Which of these is the car that you were hoping to buy?

The demonstrative pronoun is these, a word that takes the place of a plural noun or two or more nouns.The pronoun 'which' is an interrogative pronoun, a word that introduces a question.The pronoun 'that' is a relative pronoun, a word that introduces the relative clause 'you were hoping to buy'.The pronoun 'you' is a personal pronoun, a word that takes the place of a noun for the person spoken to.

Would this be a pronoun?

I assume you mean the word "this". This can be either a demonstrative adjective or a demonstrative pronoun. In this sentence "this" is an adjective: "This car is mine." In this sentence "this" is a pronoun: "This is my car."

What type pronoun is this?

Without context, it is not possible to determine what type of pronoun "this" is. In general, "this" can be a demonstrative pronoun, as in "This is my book," or it can be a determiner, as in "I want to buy this car."

Is the plural of that they?

No, the plural form of the demonstrative pronoun or adjective 'that' is those.Example for the demonstrative pronouns:I suggest you buy that because thoseare more expensive.Example for the adjectives:That car is less expensive than those cars.

May be a relative pronoun or demonstrative pronoun?

May is a modal verb indicating possibility, and not a pronoun. A relative pronoun introduces a dependent clause and connects it to an independent clause, while a demonstrative pronoun points to a specific noun.

What does cette mean in French?

cette means 'that / this'. It is a feminine demonstrative pronoun. cette voiture > that car, this car

Is this an adjective?

This is a demonstrative adjective. (e.g. this car)It can also be a pronoun. (e.g. this is my car)An adjective asks: what kind? or which one? -- thisbicycle

What type of pronoun appear in the word that?

The pronoun 'that' is a demonstrative pronoun, a word that takes the place of a noun indicating nearness or distance in time or place.The demonstrative pronouns are this, that, these, those.That is mother's favorite.I like these better than those.We've already discussed this.When the demonstrative pronouns are placed just before a noun, they are adjectives; for example:this program, that car.

What are the demonstrative and interrogative pronouns?

Demonstrative pronouns are pronouns that point to specific things (e.g., this, that, these, those). Interrogative pronouns are used to ask questions and seek information (e.g., who, what, which, whose, whom).

What is an example of demonstrative pronouns?

An example of a demonstrative pronoun is "this." For instance, in the sentence "This is my car," "this" is used to reference a specific object, indicating that the car being referred to is nearby or within sight.

What is the pronoun for car?

The pronoun 'that' is a demonstrative pronoun, a word that takes the place of a noun indicating near or far in place or time.The pronoun 'your' is a possessive adjective, a word placed before a noun to describe a noun as belonging to someone or something.