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An autosome is a type of chromosome that does not happen to be a sex chromosome (allosome). Humans will each have 42 autosome chromosomes and one pair of allosome chromosomes.

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Q: What is the definition of the phrase autosome?
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Humans who have lost one copy of an autosome are called?

Humans who have lost one copy of an autosome are called heterozygous for that specific chromosome. This condition is known as monosomy for that particular autosome.

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A typical human autosome is diploid?

Yes, a typical human autosome is diploid, meaning that each parent contributes one copy of each autosome to their offspring. This results in humans having two copies of each autosome, one from the mother and one from the father.

What is the difference between an autosome and a sexchromosome?

An autosome is any of the 23 chromosomes which is not an X or Y chromosome. A sex chromosome is effectively the same as an autosome, apart from depending upon whether you inherit a Y chromosome or not, a sex chromosome will determine your gender. Hence the name.

What is the difference between an autosome and a sex chromosome?

An autosome is any of the 23 chromosomes which is not an X or Y chromosome. A sex chromosome is effectively the same as an autosome, apart from depending upon whether you inherit a Y chromosome or not, a sex chromosome will determine your gender. Hence the name.

What and the difference between an autosome and a sex chromosome?

An autosome is any of the 23 chromosomes which is not an X or Y chromosome. A sex chromosome is effectively the same as an autosome, apart from depending upon whether you inherit a Y chromosome or not, a sex chromosome will determine your gender. Hence the name.

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The same as for "binary tree". Enter that phrase in for the definition.

Is an autosome a non sex cromosome?

Yes, an autosome is a non-sex chromosome. Autosomes are chromosomes that are not involved in determining an individual's sex and are the same in males and females. Human cells have 22 pairs of autosomes and one pair of sex chromosomes.

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What is a autosome?

An autosome is a chromosome that is not involved in determining an individual's sex. In humans, autosomes exist in pairs (one from each parent) and carry genetic information related to various traits and characteristics other than sex determination. Humans typically have 22 pairs of autosomes.

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