Sound is measured in decibels. Decibels are units used to measure the intensity of sound. The highest decibel alarm clock available is 120 decibels, which can be compared to be as loud as the sound of a fire engine siren.
fire engine; police vehicle; ambulance
Higher in pitch as the fire engine approaches, due to the compression of sound waves. The siren will then sound lower in pitch as the fire engine moves away, causing the sound waves to stretch out.
The fire engine siren pitch is typically high to alert other vehicles and pedestrians of its presence. The high pitch helps to grab attention and warn people to clear the way for the emergency vehicle.
Fire department siren.
it may be a siren for if their will be fire or something related. I know for a fact there is no siren on my disposal No fire in the hole!!
That depends on the type of siren. If you mean a Q then there is no set frequency.
As a fire engine approaches, the pitch of its siren will increase due to the Doppler effect, and as it moves away, the pitch will decrease. This change occurs because the sound waves are compressed as the fire engine approaches, making them higher in frequency, and then stretched as it moves away, making them lower in frequency.
A typical fire engine siren can emit around 120-130 decibels at close range. It's important to note that prolonged exposure to sounds over 85 decibels can cause hearing damage.
it is used to generate 4 kinds of sounds-police siren,fire alarm,ambulance and gun siren
Golden retrievers howl when they hear a sound that hurts their ears, such as a fire siren. A golden's howl actually sounds just like a fire siren.
The observer will perceive the highest frequency from the fire truck siren when the siren is approaching them. This is due to the Doppler effect, where the sound waves get compressed as the source moves towards the observer, resulting in a higher pitch.