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at my house it is free but it usually depends on where, when, why, and how long

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Q: What is the daily charge for vehicle storage?
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Related questions

What are the total loss storage charges for the vehicle?

The total loss storage charges for the vehicle refer to the fees incurred for storing a vehicle that has been deemed a total loss by the insurance company. These charges typically include daily storage fees until the vehicle is removed from the storage facility.

How many days can a tow company charge for storage on an abandoned vehicle?

as many days as it is there if the car is there they can charge

Your vehicle was repossessed and the finance company charged you ''storage'' fee on the invoice to get your vehicle back can the repo agent still charge for storage?

no because the storage fee that the finance company charged you was what the repo company charged on the invoice. the finance company had no other reason to charge storage fee's they did not store it

What fees can you be charged for getting a car out of impound in Colorado?

the tow charge plus daily storage

What is the maximum amount of storage that can be charged in CA for a vehicle that has been in an accident.?

and are they to charge by day or hourly?

Are the repossession agent allowed to charge a storage fee and and a repossession fee in the state of Missouri?

Yes. The repossession fee is like a tow bill. They did pick up the vehicle. The storage fee is the time it takes to get the vehicle off of their lot. Each day adds another day of storage fees.

In Arizona if your vehicle is repossessed and your get the vehicle back is it illegal for the repossession agent to charge a fee before they will return your licence plate?

In the State of Arizona, the license plate belongs to the debtor. They cannot charge you for your plate but they can charge you for inventory and storage of your personal property (which, incidently, includes your plate).

Can the repression company charge you for getting your things from your car once the car is in their possession?

They'll charge a "storage fee" for personal items of yours they removed from the vehicle. And it's legal.

What the does law in Nevada that a mechanic can charge for storage on a vehicle they have not repaired yet?

i believe its 25 per day for car 60 for r.v.

Can a repossession agent charge a two-day storage fee if they repossess your vehicle at night and you pick it up the next day?


Are the repossession agent allowed to charge a storage fee and and a repossession fee in the state of Arizona?

If my vehicle was repossessed at 8:00 pm and I paid the lien holder the full amount to pay off the loan. Can the towing company charge two days of storage when I picked up my vehicle at 1:00 pm the following day?

The bank charged off and never repo'd the vehicle It's 4 years later you want to charge them the 35 dollar a day storage fee for 4 years Will they settle it with just sending you the title?

They charged off the the loan on the vehicle as a bad debt. They did not actually own the vehicle, you cannot charge anyone storage fees for defaulting on a loan. They will only send you the title when you settle the debt. If at all.