all depends on the location of the apartment and who you go with for renters insurance but you can pay as low has 9 a month or has high has 100 a month
If you are looking for more information on what is the cost of renters insurance for the average person, the best place to look for the information is on
In the average rates for renters insurance, auto insurance, and home insurance, Pennsylvania is usually lower! In 2007, the average rate for PA renters insurance was only $144!
The cost of renters insurance at Progressive depends on an inventory of your belongings , the area you in which you live, your deductible and other factors specific to you. The average renter pays between $100 to $300 a year on renters insurance.
According to independent insurance agents and brokers of America (IIAB), the average cost for renters insurance is about $12 per month. All depending on the property in question.
Every renter with valuable property in thier apartment should get renter's insurance for protection. Weigh the cost of insurance with the cost of replacing your property to decide if it is worthwhile in your situation.
It is difficult to state what the average cost is. This is because insurance premiums in general, and this type in particular, differ based upon various factors. Some of them include: 1. The physical address of the apartment; 2. Whether it is a building with an attendant (such as a doorman); 3. The floor of the apartment if it is a multi-story building; 4. The type of lock(s); 5. The nature, if any, of the fire sprinkler system; 6. The insurance company involved. Since renters insurance covers primarily the contents of the apartment, a great deal of what the premium will be depends upon the contents of the apartment" furniture, jewelry, rugs, etc.
USAA Renter's Insurance covers all of a person's possessions in a rented apartment, house, or condo. USAA renter's insurance rates start as low as $12 a month for $2,500 in personal property coverage.
If you rent an apartment, you don't need homeOWNERS insurance, but you you definitely need Renters Insurance, which is a form of homeowners insurance. Most renters' policies will protect your personal belongings from perils such as theft and fire. It will also reimburse you the cost of additional living expenses if your apartment or rented home is damaged by a covered peril. A renters policy will also give you liability insurance; don't thnk for a minute that if someone falls in your apartment that only your landlord will be sued. If your dog bites someone, it will also protect you if you get sued.
You can find the average price for renters insurance at For your information according to the Insurance Information Institute, a renters insurance cost would be somewhere around $150 to $300 per year of coverage, and prices may vary depending on the amount of deductible and additional policies you would like to take.
The cost is determined by a few things. Credit is a big one. If it is your first place, your insurance may be higher if you have no credit established.
The price of a renters insurance depends on various factors, like how much the seller wants for it and where the insurance is bought from. The average price lies around $110 a year, but this can increase up to $200 a year.