Anywere from $25,000 - $500,000+, but most commonly around $50,000 - $100,000
I do not know of any spray products that make a car bullet proof, but there is bullet-proof plastic that form to fit the window type of a certain car, and some bullet proof glass.
One can find bullet proof cars at Texas Armoning Corporation. The address is4323 Factory Hill, San Antonio, Texas 78219, USA. It would cost one over 100k to bullet proof ones own car.
Most likely.
First, NOTHING is bullet PROOF. Even a tank is not if you use the right bullet. A car can be bullet RESISTANT, and can have armor added to it to make it more bullet resistant.
100,000 usd
yes if you can open the door
The Cadillac beast is the world's most safest car with bomb proof body & bullet proof tyres & windows.
No. People are not bullet proof.
Ambulances are not bullet proof.
No Tungsten is NOT bullet proof.