There are no wheels on a cable car it goes on a cable
Your Axle
An old belt getting wet. Get it changed out.
Rims are wheels. Your tire goes on them.
Sometimes squeaky noises can be a result of a damaged belt. When you speed up, the noise goes away. You should get your car inspected by a mechanic.
The positional sensor can produce squeaking in a car. The shocks can also cause squeaking in a suspension system of a car as well. Springs under the engine are known for this, too.
Optical illusion or possibly spinner wheels that are. Therir centers are freewheeeling.
cause your fat
squeeking from exhaust manifold is caused by a leak allowing exhaust gas to leak. it will only get worse as time goes on unless it is fixed
te alternaor belt may be slipping causing the squeaking as it returns charge to the battery
Most people will tap the brakes of a car when their car is going downhill, usually to keep the car under the speed limit. The squeaking noise could be the brake rotors or the brake pads.Ê
You turn your front wheels into the skid to regain steering.