Brake Lights Stay on Unless the Brake Pedal is RaisedThis is usually caused by the brake light switch being out of adjustment in its physical distance to the contact point on the brake pedal arm.
Braking distance is a function of pressure applied to the brake pedal.
pressing on the brake pedal lightly for a short distance
It is above the brake pedal not under it. Follow the brake pedal bracket all the way up and you will see the brake pedal switch.
Just above the brake pedal, on the mounting bracket that the pedal pivots on.Just above the brake pedal, on the mounting bracket that the pedal pivots on.
to the left of the brake pedal
reaction distance
reaction distance
It can wear out your rear brakes prematurely if you do it for a long distance because the emergency brake pedal/handle just applies constant pressure on the rear brakes as if you were putting your foot on the brake pedal. It also kills your gas mileage.
Take your foot off the gas and move it to the pedal on its side - the brake pedal.Take your foot off the gas and move it to the pedal on its side - the brake pedal.Take your foot off the gas and move it to the pedal on its side - the brake pedal.Take your foot off the gas and move it to the pedal on its side - the brake pedal.
It would be the rubber pad that sits on your brake pedal. Unless they were referring to brake pads, which are the pads which enables your vehicle to stop by pressing the brake pedal.
On the brake pedal bracket under the dash.On the brake pedal bracket under the dash.