A bluebook value for a vehicle is based upon the Kelley Bluebook standard. Therefore, a person may find the Kelley Bluebook value by checking the KBB website. KBB is the official bluebook website. The Kelley Bluebook is also available for purchase.
about $5000 in September 2008
The bluebook value for a 2010 Saab would vary depending on the condition, rims, and everything. In order to find out what someone would have to out their information in the kelly bluebook website to find the about price of it.
the 'bluebook'
the 'bluebook'
I payed $900 for a '82 Honda 450, but it would depend on the mileage, and condition of the bike, to determine the value. Not to mention how much your willing to pay.
www.nada.com www.kbb.com/motorcycle
My uncle died recently - aged 87 - leaving me an old car. I believe there is a so-called bluebook to establish its value. Where could I get hold of this?
The average resale value is about 15,000 dollars.
Try the link below.
form_title= Old Car Values Bluebook form_header= Find the values of old cars using Bluebook. Can every car model be found in the book?*= () Yes () No Does every car depreciate in value over time?*= () Yes () No Where can I go to access the bluebook?*= _ [50]
Try the Kelly bluebook web site and you can enter in all of the information and it will tell you. I think it is kellybluebook.com