The Shark Steam Mop
Water and vinegar mixture for wood floors and tile, but there is. Product called Once and Done.
yes as long if its not the vacuum ones, because it might stain your tile. best way to clean a tile is the old fashioned way with soap, warm water and a mop.
For beautiful wood floors, use Orange Glow (C) And Armstrong (C) floor cleaner works great on tile! Hope it helped!!
With porcelain tile you want to use a mild cleaner. Your local tile store should be able to help you choose an excellent tile cleaner. Stone Tech and Miracle Sealants make some decent tile cleaners.
Porcelain is GLASS you can use whatever suits your are not going to hurt the tile... anything from Axax to Mr Clean & Pinesol can work
Hardwood floors are generally more expensive than tile floors because they are harder to maintain. However, higher quality tile floors can cost more than hardwood floors.
Tile floors can use other, more exotic bonding agents, but caulk is cheaper and usually leaves the best result.
It is a material designed to clean your tile, often in the liquid form. You can purchase and tile cleaner at your local tile store or hardware store.
I would recommend you go to a hardware store to purchase some heated tile floors for the best results. You can go to hardware stores such as Home Depot ,and Home Hardware.
You sweep the floors
If what you mean by carpet sweeper, is a regular vacuum, then they can only be used on tile floors if they have a selection that is special for bare floors.