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Something with a manual transmission and either rear wheel drive or four wheel drive.. even better in the case of the latter if it has a manual transfer case. Vehicles with front wheel drive or asymmetrical all wheel drive are generally not recommended for flat towing.

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Q: What is the best car to flat tow with motorhome?
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A motorhome

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ANY car can be flat towed, though some models will be more difficult to set up than others.

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Well first you drag it with another car. Dur.

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Yes. Check with the dealership for manufacturer's recommendations on how to go about doing this.

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Absolutely. You will have to dolly the drive wheels.

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No, If you try to you will ruin the transmission. Go to your local GM dealership service dept and ask them for a list of car or trucks that can be dingy towed.

Can you flat tow a Chevy Impala?

you can NOT tow any front wheel drive car flat. Damage to the transmission WILL occur.

Can you tow a 1998 wrangler 5 speed behind a motorhome?

Yes. Manual shift transmissions are actually preferable for flat towing applications.

What is the best way to travel around Australia?

The best way to travel around Australia is by motorhome or caravan. If you take a motorhome, it is best to tow a small 4WD so you can leave your motorhome at a caravan park and go touring. There is so much to see "off the beaten track".

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