Depending on which spot in New York and which time of which day of which week In Manhattan it would be an average of about 9,5 mi/h or 15 km/h.
The average rate of car insurance in Brooklyn New York is $2500 per person.
it costs about 22 - 25 $
it depends with the speed limit of your car
What is the average speed of an electric car?
what is average amount of liability insurance for cars in new york
The average speed of any car should be the posted speed limit.
The average cost of car insurance in Florida is $1,043. This is much higher than the national average. The only state that is higher is New York.
The average car had a top speed of around 125 to 130 mph.
it depends on what kind of car it is
40 MPH is the average speed
average speed between 70-80 km/sec
Generally, the average car speed is whatever the speed limit is. While some go over and under, others stay right on the speed limit, making it the average.