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Probably nothing as it does not result in permanant damages. Perhaps they may be willing to pay $250 for the pain and/or trouble of the deal but no more.

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Q: What is the average settlement for a concussion in an auto accident?
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What is the average settlement for auto accidents with concussion in Missouri?

$1 in a state as poor as Missouri

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What is the average neck injury settlement involving a auto accident?

$10, at least that's what I got.

What is the average settlement in an auto accident with a broken nose and stitches in the lip?

My daughter got $30,000 for a broken nose in Georgia.

Average spinal fusion settlement?

The settlement would depend on the situation. If it is from a auto accident the settlement would depend on the limits of the at fault driver of the limit on the under of uninsured limits of the non fault driver.

Will an auto accident with no injury get a settlement?

An auto accident with no bodily injury will typically get a property settlement only. In order to receive any additional settlement including pain and suffering you would need to be able to demonstrate physical trauma via documentation provided by doctors.

How much is the cash settlement amount from an insurance company for an auto accident?

As little as they can get you to accept.

What is the average settlement for broken neck in auto accident?

Not really sure what the normal is but i recieved 112,500.00 from a c-2 hangman's fracture in a car accident that i was the passenger in. With no long lasting affects. 110,000 in medical bills though

Do you have to pay an auto accident lawyer up front?

It depends on the attorney. Usually, auto accident attorney's will wait until a settlement is awarded and take a percentage of that award as fees.

Will you receive settlement for pain and suffering due to auto accident which you got a broken nose and whip lash?

You may receive a settlement for pain and suffering due to an auto accident for which you got a broken nose and whip lash. An attorney will have to represent you at a hearing.

What is the average auto accident compensation cost in Pennsylvania?

Insurance companies use specialist software to calculate likely or average compensation costs for auto accidents. A common software system insurance underwriters use is called Colossus. Typical settlement figures range from $10 000 to $40 000 but attorney fees typically are around 25% of the settlement. The variance in settlements is very high due to the variety of different accident severities that exist.

What is average payout for neck injury in auto accident?
