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There is not a set amount for a whiplash claim. The amount of compensation you will receive depends on the severity of your injuries. Typically, $1,280 to $4,140 is paid for minor whiplash where recovery takes place within one year of the accident. And for severe, serious injury where recurring pain and possibility of surgery may occur, this can be from $13,000 to $24,000.

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Q: What is the average payout for a whiplash claim?
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What is the average payout for whiplash injuries in the UK?


What is the average payout for whiplash?

The amount you might be paid due to a whiplash injury in a car crash can depend on various factors. The average payout in the UK is around £6,500.

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Payout is dependent on the sustained losses and coverage limits of the policy the insured purchased. There is no average.

What constitutes a whiplash compensation claim?

A whiplash Compensation claim is all down to how serious the whiplash is (this is how it affects the neck and back), who's fault the whiplash is. And also if the person has a job which the whiplash may affect.

What is the average settlement for whiplash?

If there is a total recovery of whiplash within 1 and 2 years, a typical payout would be in the region of £1500 and £2500. Yes, the whiplash payout is likely to be in that range, however since each case is unique in its own sense we cant be sure about it. The whiplash payout is also determined by other factors like the loss of pay in case you couldn't have gone to work etc.

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One can make a claim for whiplash through their insurance company. One also may call a lawyer and present them with the whiplash claim to file a case for a lawsuit.

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How much can you get from a whiplash claim?

AnswerThis is best answered by a lawyer in the country where the whiplash occurred.If the whiplash was suffered in the UK a link to a website where this question is specifically answered is shown in related links.

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