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Q: What is the average insurance settlement for a broken femur?
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How long does it take to heal after a broken femur?

how long does it take to heal a broken femur? it has been a year and still not normal is this the norm?

How do you know if you have a broken femur?

It hurts!!

Who is famous that have had a broken femur?


Broken kneecap and femur but cant bend leg fully will that get better?

Yes broken kneecap and femur can still get better and can still bent again

What to do for a broken femur?

Seek professional medical help.

How long does a broken femur hurt?

depends of the severity of the injurie!

How much does the average male femur weigh?

The average weight of an adult male femur bone is approximately 1.67 lbs (0.75 kg).

Do you die from a broken fumer bone?

Although a broken femur bone is a serious injury that can lead to complications such as blood loss or infection, it is not typically fatal in and of itself. Prompt medical attention and appropriate treatment can help prevent any life-threatening outcomes associated with a broken femur bone.

Which is the longest bones in human?

Femur bone, aka thigh bone with an average of 19.9 inches

How do you do physical therapy for broken femur?

Physical therapy for broken femur involves implementation of protected crutch-assisted, touch-down weight bearing is for 1 to 4 weeks, and running avoided for 8-16 weeks.

Can the femur be fused?

Fusing means combining 2 pieces it can be fused only if broken but if broken it is possible to fuse, unbroken it is not possible.

The leg of an average six-foot man has a femur that is 48 centimeters long What is the length in millimeters of this femur?

It is 480 millimeters