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There is no average, you will need to contact an agent for quotes.

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Q: What is the average cost of car insurance for a 19 year-old in Georgia?
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Which Company Providing Cheapest Car Insurance In Georgia?

I would like to recommend Velox Insurance company. The average car insurance cost in Georgia is $1,388 per year, which is lower than the national average cost.

What is the average cost of car insurance in the world?

The average cost of car insurance in the world is difficult to find due to inflation and currency exchange. However the average cost of car insurance in 2010 in the USA was $791 and in 2012 the average cost of car insurance in the United Kingdom hit 971 euros.

What is the average cost of Home owner's insurance?

The average monthly cost of home owner's insurance is aproximately $250,000 a month.

What's the average cost for individual dental insurance?

The average monthly cost for DHMO dental insurance is $14.19 a month. The average monthly cost for DPPO dental insurance is $43.64 a month. You can expect to pay around $1 per day for dental insurance.

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What is the average cost of a home in Southeast Georgia in 2008?

According to the United States census, the average cost of a home in Southeast Georgia was $284,600 as of January of the said year. As of December of the same year, the average cost of homes in Southeast Georgia went down to $263,100.

What is the average cost of mortgage insurance?

The best way to find out the average cost of morgage insurance is to talk to a local bank. Another way is to go on websites that will have such information and determine the average cost.

How much does motorcycle insurance cost in Georgia?

Motorcycle insurance in Georgia will only cost around 500 dollars a year if you have a relatively good driving record. You can get discounts for being a good driver and other factors.

Average cost of home insurance in Fort Worth Texas?

There is no such thing as an average cost of a Homeowners Insurance policy. Every Risk is different.

What is the average cost for insurance for a newborn baby?

The average cost for insurance for a newborn baby will be around $10 a month. If you get insurance at an early age and keep it, it will be cheaper throughout your life.

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How much does average health insurance cost I need an exact dollar amount?

Average cost of health insurance is dependent on several factors which are individual.