Depending on the type of brake services that is needed, the average cost of the service can be as inexpensive as $150.00, or the cost can rise as high as $1000.00
Sears Automotive centers offer alignment, brake service and most types of routine maintenance. They also sell tires, batteries, and other parts and accessories.
The Sears Service is an auto repair shop. Their services include tire repair, engine repair, brake repair, oil changes, and steering wheel adjustment.
There are a number of great places to take your car for brake repair. some of the best would be Firestone, Sears Auto Repair, and the Wal-Mart Auto Service Center.
If parking brake is operated through service brake--then piston is threaded into caliper body--special tool is needed (not expensive) available at Sears or auto parts
The average cost to replace a brake line on a Hyundai is about 15 dollars for the part. The service and installation can cost as much as about 300 dollars at a dealership.
The service brake is the one which applies the brakes - the emergency brake system is the system which releases the spring brakes.
Each wheel has a service brake assembly. The rear service brake assemblies include a parking brake.
Brake jobs range widely in price depending on what you are getting done and who you will have service you. You may want to take it to the dealership, but they usually charge more than at a local garage.
There are several sources that offer brake repair service by a brake team, you should choose one that offer the least stress on you as they do the repair. Two names come to mind and they are Mienke Brake Repair Service and GMC Brake Service and their work is excellent.
Full service oil and lube, air filter service, air conditioning service, alignment service, battery maintenance, brake flush service, brake service, cabin air filter service, differential service, engine diagnostics, fuel filter service, fuel injection service, bulb replacements, PCV valve service, power steering service, radiator flush, serpentine belt service, shocks & struts, state inspections, timing belt/chain service, tire rotation and balance, transmission service, tune-ups, wiper replacents, nitrogen tire service, scheduled maintenance.
go to sears
Press the brake