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I don't know what the world average is, but the US average is around 8,800 kilograms per hectare for the grain yield.

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How many tonnes of maize does a hectare produce?

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The U.S. average yield for 2010 was 46.6 bushels/acre or 2.92 tonnes/hectare. The figures for 2011 are slightly lower, at 43.0 bushels/acre or 2.89 tonnes/hectare. According to the US Department of Agriculture, the US average soybean yield for the period 2006 through 2011 was 42.22 bushels per acre.

What is the world record Wheat yield per hectare?

15.36 Tonnes per hectare. Mike Solari, New Zealand

What is the yield of rice per acre?

World average - about 4 tonnes per hectare, world record - about 10. Yield is complicated by the fact that 2 crops per year is common, and 3 are possible under ideal weather and field conditions. Crop scientists estimate a realistic maximum for the "perfect" hybrid variety at over 20 tonnes per hectare.

What is average yield of wheat per acre in India?

India's crop yield per hectare is much lower than the global average, according to UN's Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO). Water shortage, lack of availability of high-yield varieties of seeds and lack of research and development has been quoted as the primary reason behind the low per-hectare yield of crops in India.

What is the average yield of wheat per acre in the UK?

There's too many variables here to be able to answer this question. However, just for example, the US average yield from all states of all barley types for the period from 2006 through 2011 is 66.7 bushels per acre, according to the USDA.

How many bags of rice can be harvested on one hectare of land?

Ah, isn't that a lovely question! Well, the amount of rice that can be harvested from one hectare of land can vary depending on factors like the type of rice, farming practices, and environmental conditions. On average, a hectare of land can yield anywhere from 4 to 10 bags of rice. Remember, each harvest is a beautiful gift from nature, so cherish the process and the abundance it provides.

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