The age to ride a dirt bike in Ontario is 14 years old. The rider is also required to wear approved helmets and follow the same traffic laws as bicyclists.
No, it is illegal to ride a dirt bike on the street but you can ride it on a trail or dirt bike track.
you can ride a dirt bike at any age
any body that can ride a dirt bike safly and good
Good information about the dirt bike is that you can ride them when they are not anything to do
baja 70 dirt bike from Canadian tire its easy to ride and also fun
you dont
well, who rides a 49cc dirt bike just ride a 50cc
I have not actually ride on the dirt bike but seen the dirt bike race very closely because it held in my near by town, and yest it's really a full of excitement and adventure.
yes,you can ride a dirt bike on any road as long as you dont get caught by the 5 0
A dirt bike can be able to go up a kids slide