The abstract noun form of the adjective 'private' is privateness.
A related abstract noun is privacy.
The word 'private' is also a concrete noun as a word for a low ranking soldier; a word for a person.
Abstract nouns:educationtroubleConcrete nouns: elevatortree
Both love and hate are abstract nouns.
Some abstract nouns with M and A are:ambiguityanimositycamaraderiedemocracydramagrammarimaginationlimitationmagicmanners
Some abstract nouns that end with the suffix 'dom' are:freedomwisdomboredomstardomSome abstract nouns that end with the suffix 'ship' are: friendshiprelationshipworshipcitizenship
Abstract nouns are sometimes called 'special nouns' or 'idea nouns'.
Idea nouns are abstract nouns, names for specific persons, places, things, or titles. Examples:agonybargaincheerdogmaeducationfungratitudehopeignorancejoyknowledgelovemadnessnatureorganizationpityquestionragestrengthtrust
Examples of abstract nouns that start with D are:dangerdaredestinydignitydiplomacydismissaldoomdramadreaddreamdrudgeryduty
Examples of abstract nouns that begin with the letter 'u' are:ubiquityuglinessunderstandingunityunhappinessupheavalurgencyuseusefulnessusury
The abstract nouns for these concrete nouns are:motherhoodpriesthoodfriendship
Some abstract nouns starting with M are:majoritymaladymarriagememorymercymomentMondaymoodmurdermystery
Both concrete and abstract nouns are words for things. Both concrete and abstract nouns can be singular or plural. Both concrete and abstract nouns can be common nouns or proper nouns. Both concrete and abstract nouns function in a sentence as the subject of the sentence or clause, and as the object of a verb or a preposition.
Examples of abstract nouns that start with Y are:yearyearningyesterdayyesteryearyin and yangyonder