The Mercedes Guardian is an option offered on a few of their lines of cars for buisness men and well anyone who can, or feels the need to drive around in a $450k+ bullet proof, bomb proof, chemcal warfare proof vehicle. Its pretty much exactly the same as the presidents limo, but its a Mercedes
Mercedes Guard is an armored car. the Mercedes Guardian from Twilight is fictionous.
A lot ;) $500,000
i cant definitely remember but i think they were: Before: Mercedes Guardian After: Ferrari Bella's before car is the Mercedes Guardian and her after is the Ferrari F430
Mercedes Guardian her after car is a Ferrari
tinted and missile proof
Mercedes Guardian, based on the MercedesS600 Guard
Before is the black Mercedes guardian, After is a red ferrari no its the other way round !!!!!07748521720 for free porn!! ;pHer before car is a black Mercedes Guardian. Her after car is a Ferrari.
no the Mercedes guardian does not exist. it was a fictional car based on the Mercedes s-guard in Stephenie Meyers book breaking dawn. Bella gets given this car to protect her. the reason for the name guardian is that edward thinks that missle proof glass and flamethrower resistant paint will protect her. in short- the Mercedes s guard exsists but the guardian doesn't. btw read the twilight books they are awesome :)
There is a before car and an after car. The before car is fictional and based off the Mercedes guard. It is called the guardian. The after car is a FerrariWell at the start of Breaking Dawn the book its a Mercedes guardian
any age, with a suitable parent/guardian
Yes. In the first chapter of part one
The Mercedes Guardian is a fictional car, and in fact, the only fictional car in the entire series. However, there is a car that is similar, although the name escapes me at the moment.***THIS IS NOT TRUE. THE MERCEDES GUARDIAN (S-GUARD), IS A VERY REAL CAR THAT IS MADE BY MERCEDES AND IS AN OPTION ON THE S600 VEHICLES.***