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Q: What is the General liability class code for restaurant with less than 25 alcohol receipts?
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What is the general liability insurance for a restaurant that does not serve alcohol?

A restaurant that does not serve beer, wine or liquor generally needs only commercial general liability ("CGL"), without liquor liability. CGL protects the restaurant from claims arising from bodily injury and property damage suffered by 3rd parties (i.e., customers most likely). Probably the most common claim made against restaurants is slip & fall, which would be covered under a CGL policy. Another liability exposure that a restaurant may wish to consider is that of food-bourne illness (i.e., food poisoning), which is sometimes excluded from the CGL policy, but can often be added.

What is the definition of liquor law liability?

Liquor law liability refers to the legal responsibility that establishments selling or serving alcohol bear for actions committed by individuals who become intoxicated on their premises. This liability can arise if the individual causes harm to others, such as through drunk driving accidents or violent behavior, after being served alcohol at the establishment. Establishments can be held liable for damages if they continue to serve alcohol to patrons who are visibly intoxicated.

Can you drink alcohol in a restaurant with a parent in NSW under the age of 18?

No, you cannot drink alcohol in a restaurant with a parent in NSW with the persons who are under the age of 18.

Can a 16 year old buy alcohol in a restaurant?


Is there a restaurant in the Hague that does not serve alcohol?

Yes there are some

Can you drink alcohol in a restaurant that has no permit?

yes but you mite get kicked out

Can a California restaurant charge sales tax on alcohol?


What is the liability of a buyer if alcohol is used by a minor?

The liability of a buyer who provides alcohol to a minor varies by jurisdiction but generally, the buyer could face legal consequences such as fines, criminal charges, and civil liability for damages resulting from the minor's actions while under the influence. It is illegal and risky to provide alcohol to minors, and individuals should refrain from doing so to avoid liability.

How old must you be to serve alcohol at a restaurant in UK?

You must be at LEAST 18 !

What is the Alcohol to food ratio in a restaurant bill?

60% food 30% booze

Can you buy beer in Jamestown Kentucky?

You can purchase alcohol by the drink at a restaurant.

What will happen if you are caught with illegal possession of alcohol?

It depends on what the illegality consists of in each circumstances. Most frequently, when minors (less than 21 years old) are caught possessing alcohol, a citation will be given. In general, that is called MIP (Minor In Posession). Most states have statutorily banned MIP as a strict liability.