The distance mentioned between the above mentioned places is 13.46mi . This is an approximate driving distance. The actual driving distance may differ according to the path chosen.
Distance: 170.11 miles - Time: 2:58 h
120 miles
The distance between the starting point and the destination is 301km, (187mi), and will take approximately 3 hours 23 minutes of driving time.
346 Km or 215 miles.
3130 km
What is the driving distance from Halifax to Glace Bay
The driving distance from Kentville, NS, Canada to Summerside, PE, Canada is 231.04mi / 371.82km
The driving distance from Halifax, NS to Cornwall, ON is 844 miles / 1358 km
The driving distance is about 250km.
The driving distance is about 325km.
It is 1,555 miles according to Google Maps.