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Superchargers are basically air compressors driven by the crankshaft of the engine. There are two basic types;

Centrifugal - Centrifugal superchargers are similar to the intake side of a turbocharger driven by a gearbox instead of the engine's exhaust. In order to keep the compressor from over-revving, they are geared to operate at their speed limits near the redline of the engine. As a result, they aren't going fast enough to produce reasonable HP gains at lower RPMs; they are very "peaky".

Roots Blower - Old-school airscrews that draw in a fixed volume of air per engine revolution. They make the engine behave like a larger displacement version of itself. At higher RPM, the efficiency of the Roots blower decreases, but at low- and mid-RPMs, where most street cars are driven on a daily basis, they are the best option for moderate HP gains.

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What is a electric supercharger?

An electric supercharger is essentially an electric motor run off a car's alternator driving a high speed fan which attempts to force more air into a car's air intake. The idea is the same as a turbocharger or supercharger, the more air and fuel forced into the combustion chamber the more power that will be developed by the engine. The only difference between a turbocharger or supercharger and the electric supercharger is that the electric supercharger is limited by how much power the car's battery and alternator can supply whereas a turbocharger and supercharger is limited by the amount of power the engine can supply which is significantly greater in comparison.

What make a car whine when pressing gas?


What GTP means in Pontiac?

means the car has a supercharger

Whining noise when excelerating grand prix gtp?

This car is equipped with a Supercharger. All superchargers whine. This is normal and is inherently something you live with when you drive a car equipped with a supercharger.

How much does a stock size e supercharger add to your bhp on a stock normal car?

depending on the size of the supercharger.. 30% to 40%

What kind of car does Spencer Andersons have?

yourdick supercharger v8 1400whp

Can you put a supercharger and a turbocharger on a car?

You can but its very tricky unless you are a mechanic!

How do you install a supercharger on a fuel injected car?

First you have to find a supercharger designed for your specific application. You take the old intake manifold off and install the supercharger. While somehow finding a belt that connects from the supercharger to the camshaft. Then reprogram the computer that controls the engine for the additional airflow.

Can a turbocharger and supercharger be used at the same time?

Yes. If the engine is built to handle enough boost. Volkswagen makes a production car with a twincharger (supercharger and turbocharger). The supercharger helps cancel out the turbo lag at low rpms

What are the uses for a Eaton Supercharger?

The Eaton Supercharger is used to increase the overall torque power and driving ability. This also increases the economic benefits as the use of a supercharger leads to small cylinder tanks which is a good thing for your car.

What is the difference between a supercharger and a turbocharger in a car?

a supercharger is run by belt,turbocharger is run by ex. gases.supercharger is better ........actually it depends on the motor and what kind of turbo/supercharger you put on it,so neither is technically better than the other

Can you put a v8 supercharger on a 4 cylinder car?

no...... you tear the engine up