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Its extended replacement coverage of 20%

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Q: What is state farm endorsement FE 8702?
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What is the state of sant fe?

New Mexico is the state with the capital Sante Fe

What state is santa fe located?

Sante Fe is located in the US state of New Mexico. It is the state capital and has a population of about 70,000.

Which state is Santa Fe in?

Santa Fe is the capital of New Mexico.

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Santa Fe is capital of New Mexico

What state has Santa Fe as its capital?

Santa Fe is located in New Mexico, so the state abbreviation would be NM.

Where is Santa Fe located in the US?

Santa Fe is the capital city in New Mexico.

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Santa Fe is the capital city in New Mexico.

What is Fe and Fe2o3 in terms of chemistry?

The first Fe represents an iron atom in the 0 oxidation state while the Fe in Fe2O3 represents iron ion in the +2 oxidation state

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The ground state electron configuration for iron (Fe) is Ar 3d6 4s2.

What is the ground state electron configuration of iron (Fe)?

The ground state electron configuration of iron (Fe) is Ar 3d6 4s2.

What state is Santa Fe the state capital?

New Mexico.

Santa Fe is the capital of what state?

The Capitol of New Mexico is Santa Fe.