A Seafarer Registration Certificate (SRC) is issued to people who will be working on board a vessel on international waters. This is facilitated at POEA (Philippine Overseas Employment Administration). The purpose of SRC is to keep track of Filipino Seafarers working abroad.
An applicant may be given an SRC if he/she complied all the requirements set by the POEA. HE/she will be issued an SRC with one and only one registration number. It is non-transerable. The SRC can only be replaced/ reissued if it is lost or if changing ranks and if it is expired.
where can i find the registration number in ssc certificate
The difference between license certificate and registration certificate, is that, license certificate can be acquired through graduating and taking special examination. While registration certificate, relates to certificate in getting for example; business.
A certificate of boat registration must be carried on the boat when the boat is in operation. If the registration is not on the boat the owner could be fined.
A Certificate or Registration is given to the pharmacist upon registration in Hong Kong as stated in Schedule 9 of Cap. 138. A duplicate certificate may be issued by the Secretary if needed for a good reason.
apply udyam registration
A company will get a Certificate of Commencement from the registrar of companies after getting certificate of registration as a limited company. The directors shall fill in the application and file it with the registrar with every director being required to sign.Ê
i am deepa paulose registered my bsc nursing certificate in trivandrum before 1 year but i didn't get the registration certificate till now.when i should get certificate?
go to school
Following are the crucial documents required for Trademark Registration Online in India: For Individual: Any one of the following documents are required for individuals: Copy of Aadhar CardCopy of Aadhar Card; PAN Card for trademarkPAN Card; Driving License (Permanent)Driving License (Permanent) For StartupFor Startup: For Startup, one is required to provide the Certificate of Recognition issued by the DPIIT. For Sole ProprietorshipFor Sole Proprietorship: GST Registration Certificate is required for Registration. For Partnership Firm or LLPFor Partnership Firm or LLP: If the Registration of Trademark is done by a Partnership Firm then they must provide the following documents: Partnership DeedPartnership Deed (if any); Udyam Aadhar Registration Certificate Udyam Aadhar Registration Certificate (it’s optional); GST CertificateGST Certificate. If the Registration of Trademark is done by an LLP then they must provide the following documents: LLP Incorporation CertificateLLP Incorporation Certificate; LLP DeedLLP Deed; GST CertificateGST Certificate; Udyam Aadhar Registration CertificateUdyam Aadhar Registration Certificate (optional). For MSMEFor MSME: If the Registration is done by MSME then they should provide Udyam Aadhar Registration Certificate issued by MSME. For Private Limited CompanyFor Private Limited Company: If the application for Trademark Registration is filed by a Private Limited Company, then they should provide the following documents along with the application: Incorporation CertificateIncorporation Certificate; Udyam Aadhar Registration CertificateUdyam Aadhar Registration Certificate (optional). For HUF (Hindu Undivided Family): PAN Card of HUFPAN Card of HUF; Deed of the Constitution of HUFDeed of the Constitution of HUF. For a Trust: Trust DeedTrust Deed; Registration CertificateRegistration Certificate; PAN Card in the Trust NamePAN Card in the Trust Name. For a Society: If a Society is pursuing the Trademark Registration Process then it shall submit the Registration Certificate which is issued by the Registrar of Co-operative Societies If a Society is pursuing the Trademark Registration Process then it shall submit the Registration Certificate which is issued by the Registrar of Co-operative Societies. Following are some common documents required for Trademark Registration Online in India: User affidavitUser affidavit; Graphical Representation of TrademarkGraphical Representation of Trademark; Power of Authorization of an AgentPower of Authorization of an Agent.