Your right hand side park light (generally part of the head lamp assembly) is blown and needs replacing
Malfunction indicator lamp control circuit malfunction
To reset your malfunction indicator lamp start your car then you hire fps russia to blow up your piece of terrible car and buy a new one simple actually.feces
It means you have one lamp on the outer vechile that is out. Check all lamps
Umm. . . I would read the manual first ,but from experience the light might not turn off because of the gas cap not on right or tight enough something clogged in the motor or just on from last malfunction but might just be broken and on
P1700....Malfunction Indicator Lamp requested by trans control module
it means one of the computers on the car has seen a malfunction, and has set a code. everything from a loose gas cap to a severe engine misfire can turn that light on
its on your rear end and armpit loser hair
This light could be on due to a defective fuel cap.
Trouble code P0650 means:Malfunction indicator lamp control circuit malfunction
malfunction? Did you turn the car off?
malfunction means it stops working or doesn't work right or correctly like "what is your major malfunction?"
The park lamp fuse on a Ford Escape is located in the main fuse panel, near the hood release. It prevents the lamp from drawing too much current and will break under excessive load.