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Collision insurance coverage will protect your vehicle in the event you hit someone or are hit by an uninsured driver. Comprehensive coverage will protect you from theft, vandalism, etc. But always read the fine print to be sure.

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Q: What is purchased to protect owners against collision or theft?
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Why You Need Virginia Collision Car Insurance?

Drivers need Virginia collision car insurance to protect them financially in the even they cause crashes that damage their cars. When such events occur, collision insurance pays for damage done to cars belonging to the insured. Liability insurance carried by insured drivers covers damage done to the property of others. Collision insurance makes sure that drivers can have their cars repaired after an accident.Obtaining Collision InsuranceDrivers can buy collision insurance whenever they get a quote for auto insurance coverage. Drivers can evaluate the cost of collision coverage and compare it with the benefits of that coverage. Insurance agents can help drivers evaluate the need for collision insurance coverage. Drivers who own expensive cars usually want to carry collision coverage to control the financial impact of repairs. Auto owners who finance their vehicles also need collision insurance coverage. Usually, banks and finance companies require car buyers to purchase collision coverage to protect the interests of the lienholder. After owners pay off their car, they can choose to drop collision coverage.Getting Advice About Collision InsuranceDrivers can get advice about collision insurance from their insurance agents, insurance companies or financial advisors. These professionals will gather information about the financial condition of drivers, and the value of their cars and the cost of collision coverage to help drivers decide whether to buy or forgo coverage. Drivers who own cars outright can drop their collision coverage, especially if they must keep their insurance costs to a minimum. Drivers without collision insurance must accept full financial responsibility if they cause wrecks that damage their cars.Shopping Around For Collision InsuranceDrivers should shop among several car insurance companies before choosing a policy that includes collision insurance. The lowest price for coverage may come from insurance companies other than the ones with the lowest liability-only coverage. By shopping all alternatives, drivers can find the lowest price for the needed amount of collision insurance coverage.

If a non-owner of a vehicle has a wreck and damage to the car hit is paid by the owner but there is no collision insurance on the vehicle at fault can the drivers insurance be responsible in Tennesse?

No, The vehicle owner chose to accept the risk associated with not having collision coverage. You can not use someone elses policy to cover the owners collision loss.

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