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Q: What is preamble clause in insurance?
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The Preamble is often referred to as the supreme law of the land?

The constitution, not the preamble, is known as the supreme law of the land. The Supremacy Clause is §8¶2

The general welfare includes what provision from the declaration of independence?

Promote the general welfare is the clause in the Preamble to US Constitution, not the Declaration of Independence.

Which section of the Constitution opens with the words We the People?

the preamble

What is the name of the clause that states that the U.S. constitution is the supreme law of the land?

It is in the preamble of the constitution.

What is preamble clause in building?

Preambles are the work requirement prior to a task performed and the policies they are bound by

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What is incontestability clause in life insurance policies?

You can find this by looking at the "Incontestable Clause" in your life insurance policy. The "Incontestable Clause" states that after the life insurance policy is in force for two years, the insurance company cannot void it because of misrepresentation or concealment by the insured in obtaining the policy.

What is rsd insurance clause?

rsd means

Is 72 hour clause in engineering insurance policy advantage or disadvantage?

The 72-hour clause in an engineering insurance policy is an advantage to the homeowner and not a disadvantage.

Does increased cost of construction insurance clause affect the co-insurance clause of the policy?

NO, Increased Cost of Construction is exactly as stated, also known as "Replacement Cost". It does not affect the Coinsurance clause of your insuring contract

Is there a suicide clause on a group life insurance policy?
