One way to avoid road rage and the build up of anxiety is to listen to soothing music or a book on tape while driving. Allow plenty of time to reach your destination so you are not so stressed in traffic.
One way to avoid road rage and the build up of anxiety is to listen to soothing music or a book on tape while driving. Allow plenty of time to reach your destination so you are not so stressed in traffic.
When people act out violently while driving, it is called road rage.
vehicular rage
Verbal road rage is when someone expresses anger, frustration, or aggression while driving through verbal means, such as shouting, cursing, or making threatening remarks towards other drivers or pedestrians on the road. It can lead to confrontations, dangerous driving behavior, and potentially escalate into physical altercations.
Road rage is often associated with aggressive driving, as both involve hostile and dangerous behaviors on the road. Aggressive driving can lead to road rage, where drivers may act out in anger or frustration towards others on the road. It's important to stay calm and practice safe driving habits to avoid escalating situations.
The cast of Driving Rage - 2007 includes: Mike Disch as Ground Keeper Bryan Hurd as Kart Driver Jason Teague as Baldwin
Road rage
Yes, road rage is a criminal offense especially if it results to injury or damage to another person. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), road rage which is a form of aggressive driving, involves a criminal act of violence. It includes: deliberately driving in an unsafe or threatening manner, excessive tailgating, verbal abuse and shouting, speeding or racing the other car, making rude gestures, throwing projectiles at the other car, and waving a gun, among others.
It could make you have road rage because you have anger issues.
Reacted appropriately
There are many bad driving habits one should avoid, such as:Driving under the influence (for obvious reasons).Steering with one hand which will drastically reduce your control over the vehicle.Changing lanes/turning without checking blind spotsManoeuvring without signallingCoasting or driving in neutral (again, reducing control over vehicle)Lane hoggingSpeedingRoad rage