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Q: What is normal temp for central air?
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Central air conditioning increases comfort by?

lowering temp and humitity

Using the AC what temperature is normal for a 1995 Chevy S10 with a 4.3 v6?

The normal average AC air temp put out at the AC vents should be in the range of 40 degrees F. This also depends on the outside air temp.

Is 99.6 a normal temp?

98.6 is the normal temp... 99.6 is a bit high.

Will a clothe dry faster in an air-conditioned room or a normal room at night?

Cloth will dry in normal room at night as in AC room the temp. will be low as compared to night and rate of evaporation is directly propotional tn temp.

How cold should the air be for a cars ac?

I have a 01 Buick and the ac temp that comes out of the vents is around 50 deg - at idle and around 45 deg at highway speed - Is this normal a normal temp? or should the ac temps be colder?

What is the normal operating water temp on a 91 3.1L?

That all depends on the thermostat that is installed. From the factory it came with a 195 degree thermostat. However there are 180 and 160 degree ones available. Under normal conditions the operating temp should stay around the temp of the thermostat installed. Some fluctuation is normal, especially in stop an go traffic when there is no air flowing through the radiator.

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wood metal at normal temp plastic at normal temp ice lead

Why does your Ford blow hot air when you set the temp dial on cold and heat on normal air condition and cool on max setting?

I really need to know which Ford you have, although the Explorer temp blend door is prone to breaking, and it will act just like that.

What is the normal phase of zinc?

it is room temp. if its temp is to high it will melt.

Where is the inlet air temp sensor on a 2000 E class 320 cdi?

That is the air temp in the air inlet for the engine. It let the CDI control module know the incoming air temp.

What temp setting should the central air be st at inside when its 93 outside?

Whatever temperature you are comfortable, 78 F is recommended by utilities in summer.

Is rectal temp 101.0 normal?
