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It is liability insurance purchased by a person who does not own a car. Rather than "following the car" as most liability insurance does, non-owners coverage "follows the driver". Therefore, it covers the driver, subject to its terms and conditions, regardless of the car being driven.

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Q: What is non owners car insurance?
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Related questions

How do you get car insurance for yourself if you don't have a car?

You can buy Non-Owners Auto Insurance.

Can you get car insurance without owning a car?

Yes, You can look around for a Non-Owners Insurance Policy

What cheaper Non Owner insurance of the insurance at a car rental store?

Non Owners auto insurance does not cover rental cars at all. You will need to buy insurance from the rental car company to be covered.

Where can one find nonowners insurance?

One can find "non owners" insurance from the following sources: Non Owners Insurance, Progressive Commercial, Cars Direct, Best Car Coverage, NASDAQ, Insure Me, First Acceptance Corp., to name a few.

Where do you get non-owner car insurance?

non-owners car insurance Many independent insurance agencies sell these types of policies. All you have to do get out the phone book and start making calls. You will find a company and rate that serve your needs.

Can you get auto insurance if you don't own a car?

Yes, You can purchase Non-Owners auto insurance, sometimes called a drivers policy.

Where can one find information on non owner insurance?

If you are driving a car that you are leasing or renting, meaning you don't own it, you still require insurance but the policy is called a non owner insurance. A non owner insurance is available from most car insurance providers like GEICO, Progressive, Allstate and esurance. There are also providers who specialize in this kind of policy like Non Owners Car Insurance.

Can coverage on a non-owners auto insurance policy be extended to a company car that I drive?

No, Non Owners often referred to as Named Driver insurance never covers a company vehicle. It is the responsibility of your company to provide insurance for it's employees when driving a company vehicle.

Non owners insurance- can you get registration tags?

NO, Non Owners insurance is seconday coverage. No pimary covered Vehicle is implied.

Who sells insurance to a driver without a car?

a non-owners auto insurance policy can provide liability coverage in the event you operate a vehicle that is not owned by you nor insured under your name.

Can you get car insurance without a car?

Insurance without a CarNon Owners Insurance Yes, You can purchase Non-Owners Insurance, sometimes referred to as an Operators Policy or a Drivers Policy. It is not necessary to own a car to be insured to drive one.Happy MotoringOther AnswerNo. The primary requirement of getting a car insurance is obviously with a car. And more to the point: Why would you want or need car insurance without a car?Yes you can; if you don't have a car but drive a rental car or your friend's car(s) then you can opt for non owner's insurance. Keep in mind that you may not need it; insurance follows the car not the person so most auto insurance companies would accept the claim even if you were driving the car, not your friend.

Can you get insurance on a car you don't own?

Yes. It is generically referred to an non-owners coverage. It provides liability protection for you when driving a car that you do not own.