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Usually it's the valve cover

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Q: What is name of part oil cap screws into?
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What is the name of the part that the oil filter screws onto on a 1995 jeep 4.0 l engine?

oil filter housing

Where is the Renault traffic dipstick located?

It is part of the oil cap. Just remove the oil cap and you will see the dip stick attached

Where is the oil filter on a 07 f350 6.0?

On top of the engine right in the center, under the black cap which screws off, the other black cap next to it is the secondary fuel filter.

On a 1996 5.7 GM small block box truck 30 what's the name of the part the oil filter screws into right before the block it has two lines running from it?

Oil filter adapator housing.

Where is the oil filter on a 1993 Toyota 4 runner?

It is under the distributor cap, from the front of the truck while facing the distributor cap look straight down approx. 1 foot. To replace the oil filter I have to take off the skid plate which is four screws (12mm). The rear part of the skid plate has a hanger so don't worry if it falls then remove front two screws. Caution after unscrewing the filter because it has a zigzag way to removing the front axle will get oil on it so have at least two rags handy. Good Luck

Where are the spark plug wires in a 2000 Volvo S40?

The wire are located under the plastic cover on the top of the engine. If you are looking at the oil fill cap, the cover is behind the cap. The cover is held in place by six T30 screws. Loosen the screws and the cover comes off, it has two pieces.

Where is the oil dip stick on 2007 harley softail deluxe?

On a stock Deluxe the dipstick is part of the oil filler cap.

Where is the oil dipstick on a 1997 Chevy s10 2.2 liter?

It is part off the engine oil cap, remove it and you will see it.

What oil is recommended for Honda Accord with a V6 engine?

Any good, name brand oil, that has the same weight spec as is on the oil filler cap. it should be 5W20 or 5W30. it is written right on the cap you take off to fill the engine with oil.

What is an oil cap?

cap that covers the oil fill hole in engine

Where is the engine oil dipstick located on a Pontiac sunfire?

On the 2.2L(2200), the oilstick is built in as part of the cap that you would remove if you were putting oil in the car. This cap is located on the side of the motor, right behind the radiator.

How do you remove the oil fill tube to replace the engine cover on a 1996 Bonneville SSE 3800?

It just screws on like the oil cap. Sometimes can be a bit hard to turn. Use a pliers if you cant turn it by hand.